Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Making Jewish mothers proud...

According to CNN,
Boaz Benmoshe, 44, and Ofer Moses Lupovitz, 43, were among seven people arrested last week and charged for investigation of pimping, pandering, perjury, loan fraud, money laundering, falsifying income tax returns and grand theft, Riverside County Sheriff Bob Doyle said Monday.


Blogger Danny said...

CNN is biased. No way Fox News puts this story out. I'm surprised they didn't put into the first paragraph that he was married to Melanie Ann Smith, 24. CNN would do something like that, calling attention to intermarriage for no possible gain. Fox News, on the other hand, would have trated these two men as lost souls on the road (on the road) to Yerushalayim (now). "The media is biased," said the back row of Ahavat Torah in Englewood, NJ. Seifs included.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Deranged GOT Fan said...

mi ke-amkha yisroel

1:09 PM  

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